The Independent Patriot
Liberty Through Self-Reliance
No man can be truly free who is dependent upon another for his daily bread. To exercise our God-given free agency, we must be able to live an independent life, providing for ourselves and our families through industry and thrift.
This web site is intended to provide you with the knowledge you will need to become an Independent Patriot. The first part of the web site is focused on emergency preparedness, long-term survival, and sustainable living. The second part of the web site is focused on American history, personal responsibility, and patriotism. A suggested reading list has been included in the library.
The information presented is not necessarily exhaustive, but includes the best practices of those who follow the path of self-reliance. Each page will introduce you to related sub-topics and provide you with links to more in-depth articles and resources. It is our intention to provide you with a full range of information on each topic and lead you to sources beyond this web site for further study.
If you find items you like (such as checklists on the emergency preparedness page) please print them now for later use. You never know when you may not be able to access electronic media.
The website is still in its infancy, but we wanted to get it up and running with emergency preparedness information as soon as possible. The remainder of the website will be developed shortly. Thank you for your patience.
- Justin Case -
If you have suggestions or comments, please drop me a line at:
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Disclaimer: This web site is intended for educational purposes only. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information presented herein, no guarantee of accuracy is expressed or implied. Individuals must exercise their own judgment in evaluating the validity of its contents. The author assumes no liability for the actions of others. The author does not advocate, promote, endorse, or condone the violation of any local, state, or federal laws.